Sunday, April 6, 2008

Apparently, I'm about to ruin my life.

I read something interesting in the USA Weekend today. It turns out that parents "hurt their own standard of living and diminish prospects for their own children" by having more than two children.

Huh. Good to know.

9 witty remarks on "Apparently, I'm about to ruin my life."

Anonymous said...

So, did I "diminish" YOUR prospects by having a boatload of kids???? HMMMM???

Anonymous said...

You hear that, eran? It's your fault.

Seriously, it is hardly newsworthy that education level correlates negatively with family size. Since education level correlates positively with standard of living, it stands to reason that, ceterus parabus, a large family will predict a lower standard of living. This is not to suggest that such an august publication as USA Weekend would ever commit the post hoc fallacy, but . . . actually, it is.

In other shocking news, Joseph Ratzinger celebrated the Holy Communion today, an Adirondak Black Bear evacuated his bowels behind a tree, and your older brother is an insufferable dweeb.

Mandy's Blogspot on 8:37 PM said...

::golf clap:: for jdhoosier

that's the man i married.

Catherine on 9:05 PM said...

In times of emotional darkness and distress, I like to take a moment to remember that by the time they got to me, your life was basically ruined.

In fact, that's pretty much how I make it through the day.

Kevin Blinn on 10:02 PM said...

And I make it through the day secure in the knowledge that it was in fact me who ruined the lives of my older siblings, since I blame my life on them anyways.

Joni on 7:39 AM said...

Ceterus parabus: wasn't that the three-headed dog that guarded the entrance to Hades?

[/Brother Vollmer flashback]

Anonymous said...

That was "Cerberus."
While somewhere, Brother Vollmer
Chuckles to himself.

Yes, I had eight kids,
City house and beater cars.
But it was worth it.

Anonymous said...

glad to know everyone's life was gone by the time I got there....and just think can always blame Amy for ruining your life!

thanks fatty for letting us know it was worth it. I like knowing that.

Anonymous said...

as if life wasnt already ruined by the fact that you're a Blinn? It just doesnt get any worse does it?


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