Saturday, May 31, 2008

I also have a son.

Looking through this blog I realized I haven't posted any pictures of Porter in, like, forever. Seeking to remedy that, I have this to share with you:
It's like a whole bunch of pictures, shown in rapid succession to create the impression of motion! And with sound, even!

4 witty remarks on "I also have a son."

Catherine on 7:54 PM said...

At around :45 he suddenly starts to look really anxious, like, "Oh Little Star, how I wonder what you are! Egads, why won't somebody explain this mystery to me!?" And then he launches into the Alphabet Song with this look of fear, like he is just managing to hold his overwhelming terror at bay until he can reassure himself that now he knows his ABCs, and next time he recites we are welcome to join him.

Anonymous said...

poor, sad porter what a sad life...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Do they still have star search? He is very talented....could be next the next justin timberlake (don't forget he did lose on star search!) Although his singing did seem a little rehearsed, as already mentioned, he launched right into the ABC song like he had alot of practice! Will you become a stage mom?! They have reality tv shows for that now, if you do!


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