Friday, June 29, 2007

How not to take photographs

We went berry picking yesterday and Porter was in the stroller. I had helpfully brought the camera with me - like any good scrapper would - and Porter, well...

I was preoccupied with finding the last of the black raspberries until I saw the flash going off. "Cheese!" Porter announced. He actually took 18 photographs but they are pretty much all the same. I must say, I'm impressed with this kid: he figured out how to turn the camera on AND how to work it, and he is only two.

I'd be even more impressed if he'd managed to convert them into black and white.

Speaking of Porter... I went in to check on him last night, and he was curled up on the foot of his bed wearing the following:

1) His pajama top

Matt and I had a pretty good laugh over that, and I managed to change the sheets without even waking him up.

3 witty remarks on "How not to take photographs"

Anonymous said...

You know how dad has been bemoaning the fact that none of his kids want to be Engineers? Maybe Porter?

Katie on 7:43 PM said...

Joni, that is hee larious (about the sleeping bottomless, I mean).
Katie M

Anonymous said...

I like the eye shot.
A bit reminiscent of
"The Blair Witch Project."


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