Thursday, June 28, 2007

grab a hanky, Mom...

So, my little sister Molly is here for a visit. And when I say 'little,' I mean she's eight. Molly is nineteen years younger than me and four years older than Betsy. In fact, everywhere we go people assume she's my daughter (perhaps because Molly looks more like me than Porter does). Anyway, since I was in college when Molly was born, I've never really spent any time around her, so I thought it would be fun for her to come out for a week. Betsy is, of course, over the moon excited. We've been to the childrens museum, the library, Hobby Lobby (that mecca of crafts) and if it ever stops raining, we'll go berry-picking and to the waterpark.

Betsy and Molly have matching butterfly nightgowns that Grammie sewed. (That's Betsy's grammie and Molly's mom... oh never mind) They were so cute last night, I had to take some pictures.

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6 witty remarks on "grab a hanky, Mom..."

Anonymous said...

*sniff, sniff* I love the pictures...they are soooo adorable together!!!!! I hope y'all are having a FABULOUS time together!!!!!!!
PS ((hugs to Molly))

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Joni...those are wonderful pictures!!!! I love the one where Betsy looks like she's telling Molly a secret. You are, of course, a wonderful photographer!! HAVE FUN!!!

Anonymous said...

Joni, those pictures are so cute!!!! Send Molly and Betsy hugs from Auntie Laura. :)

Anonymous said...

Lair! We DID go berry-picking.
And to Mom,Emily and Laura,I know,I am perfect arn't I?:)

susan opel on 3:31 PM said...

Wow, she DOES look a lot like you! Here, I was imagining that your sister was maybe 19 or something. Silly me!

Simply adorable pictures of those two little girls!

Anonymous said...

hm. I think I am really missing Mols more than I let on. I keep coming to the blog to look at the pics. *sigh*


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