Thursday, May 17, 2007


I just booked our trip to Disney World.

We'll be going in early September, after school has started - they will still have the free dining and also special activities for preschoolers. We decided to go ahead and fly down there instead of drive - I found really cheap flights, and frankly, with the cost of gas, PLUS the massive inconvenience of spending four days in the car with the kids... yeah, it's supposed to be a fun vacation.

I've already booked a princess lunch for Betsy and me, since I've heard they fill up really fast. She better love me the most now. You sure don't see Dad taking her to eat with princesses.

I think I'm ten times more excited than the kids, at this point. Matt and I went to Disney for our honeymoon six-and-a-half years ago, and ever since then we've been wanting to go back with little kids. I can only imagine how much fun it's going to be watching them enjoy it.

2 witty remarks on "dude."

Anonymous said...

Ahhh I'm a bit jealous. I'm sure you will have a blast, and make sure you let Trish know you are going to be in her stomping ground.

Anonymous said...

You better be contacting me! I'll take off a day or two to show you all how to get around like regulars and how to get the good deals and how to stay out of the tourist traps!! Kewl - send me the specifics and I'll get you on my Google calendar! Can't wait to meet the next generation of the Blinns!!!


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