Saturday, March 24, 2007

that new computer smell

So, right when I was getting ready to do a hard drive restore, our computer REALLY died. As in, it smelled like smoke and wouldn't turn on. Thank goodness I had just gotten done backing things up, or I would be really stressed right now. I saved everything - not just our budgets and tax information, but also the REALLY important stuff, like the 100 or so fonts I've downloaded and supply lists for all my scrapbook pages. You know, the truly vital things.

I spent yesterday shopping around and today we went to Circuit City - the salesguy was quite amused by my little notebook full of side-by-side comparisons of various models - and bought pretty much the EXACT same computer we had before, only for $200 less. (I love how technology keeps getting cheaper. Pretty soon they will be including a free desktop in every box of Cap'n Crunch.) Also, we can burn CDs now, which we couldn't before, so that's pretty cool. The only downside is that now I have to learn Windows Vista - and it's already driving me crazy. Oh well, progress marches on, and I don't want to get trampled.

Oh! Who watched the game last night? Butler was in the Sweet Sixteen for the second time in five years. Which hardly constitutes a powerhouse, but still I think it's pretty darn good for a tiny obscure school from the Midwest. And they didn't win, which I didn't expect them to - and it would have messed up my bracket if they had - but they put up a really good showing. It's a good year to be a Bulldog!

13 witty remarks on "that new computer smell"

Anonymous said...

We don't even have the capability to back anything up on our it's gonna be pretty bad when it dies. Which it probably will soon. Is Vista cool? Windows 98se has lost it's charm I'm afraid!!

Anonymous said...

:) dying over the Captain Crunch comment! :):)

Hang in there with Vista. It's not so bad when you get use to it's rules. I use it here at home and work and love it. And that's coming from a complete computer dumb dumb.

YAY Butler!!!!!

Catherine on 12:24 PM said...

Butler is very obscure, you're right.

UArts doesn't have its own foreign exchange program (except with one single solitary school in Korea, and that's only for Industrial Designe majors), so when I was talking to the international studies lady she mentioned how UArts participates with Butler sometimes, they have a really good program, etc., "It's this little school in Indiana." She was surprised to hear I knew about the Butt.

Anonymous said...

The Butt? Is that what the kids call it?

They are like the Gonzaga of the 2000's though, so that is something at least.

And as a non sequiter, as apparently no one realizes this, I have a job.

Anonymous said...

Mom, there is NO CHANCE that Vista will run on your computer. Sorry. But you can always back stuff up on floppy disc, and you probably have a USB port so you can use a memory stick as well.
Joni, if Vista really is a lot like Mac OS X Tiger, as I've heard, you will soon wonder how you lived without it. Expose' and Spotlight [and their Vista analouges, I presume] make desktop chaos easy and fun, and Widgets [again, whatever MS calls them] are neato, unobtrusive, and there are umpteen bazillion out there that you can download for free.

Anonymous said...

JD missed the point.
Old Gateway box is dying.
NEXT one runs Vista.

Have USB ports.
98 doesn't support
using them as drives.

Anonymous said...

I'm not clever enough to put this in haiku form, Dad, but if you still have internet connection you can upload photos to or a similar photo hosting site. That way you won't have to lose all the photos on your hard drive, since the files are generally too large to save to a disk.

And Kevin? New Job? Do tell!

Anonymous said...

Whoaaaaaaaaaa!!! I click on your blog and it's BLUE! I love it!!!! Very pretty, and I see that you updated your links, as well.

Anonymous said...

hee hee about the Cap'n Crunch.

Glad you saved all of the vital stuff - hey I'd FREAK if I lost my supply lists and fonts.

Butler schmutler!

PS - What do you mean that Brenda thought it was *sorts* good to have me at the Event?!?!?! :)

Diggin' the fresh new look of the blog!

Joni on 6:56 PM said...

You silly! I mean that it was good to SORT OF have you there, in the form of a small & quite blurry picture that Croptoberfest that I'd brought for a mini album. Because a small & quite blurry Susan is better than no Susan at all! ;-)

And yes, I did change my blogger template! I figured with the new computer and the slick new operating system and everything, it was time for a change...

Anonymous said...

Reject the dark side!!!!
I'm a silver halide guy.
Call me a Luddite...

Anonymous said...

No, it's not a new job, the same one I have had since December. But I was talking to Cath last week and she didn't know I am employed, it occurred to me that not everyone knew. Sorry for the false alarm . . .

Anonymous said...

Duh! I get it now!!!!


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