Monday, June 30, 2008

Caution: Cute Overload

Any recovering cute-aholics should probably look away right now.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

5 witty remarks on "Caution: Cute Overload"

Catherine on 12:39 AM said...

Look at Betsy's new cabbage-patch doll. It's facial expression even changes from Gleeful to Unnervingly Gleeful.

By the by, my word is "jikshy," and I'm pretty sure it's a racial slur, but I don't know for which race.

Anonymous said...

My name is Fatty,
And I'm a cute-a-holic.
(Insert last line here.)

susan opel on 7:41 PM said...

Uh oh - gonna have to go to cute rehab after that - but I say, No, no, NO!

Anonymous said...

I'll have a cutini, shaken not stirred please.... Umm...I must say cute cannot even decribe those pictures (and the video from last post!) I must also point out that the new sewing machine of yours is pretty darn cute too!

Anonymous said... I wont make some remark about being a cutie-a-holic, but I have to say, I HAVE DARN GOOD TASTE! Not to toot my own horn or anything...haha They are soo cute in those dresses!


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