Sunday, July 2, 2006

new toy

I've been so excited for this! My new camera arrived yesterday from Amazon. I got a Kodak c533. My previous camera was also a Kodak so I was already familiar with the software and some of the features. (Mom - I'll bring it when we come for Em's wedding.) I've been having lots of fun playing with the new features. Here's a picture of Betsy I did using Portrait mode:

Something else I like is the ability to take really close up pictures of small objects. You wouldn't think that's important, but as a scrapbooker I can tell you there are lots of times when I could have used that! Here is a side by side comparison of old vs. new camera:

As you can see, I have flippin' sweet pencils! When Porter saw me taking pictures, he made a funny face for me. I honestly have no idea where this one came from.
It's lots of fun and I can't wait to scrapbook with new, improved pictures! We also got a new refrigerator yesterday. (It was a pretty busy day.) We found one that was on closeout at Sears but still had all the packaging on it! The kids had a lot of fun at Sears, surprisingly. I'm just glad that's out of the way!

4 witty remarks on "new toy"

Anonymous said...

He's not yawning . . . He's not crying . . . He's "crawning"!

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooOOOOOOOOO what cute babies you have!!!!!!

Joni on 3:01 PM said...

He's "crawning" ?!?!

I'm glad to see you're putting that expensive education to good use.

Staceyface1 on 3:08 PM said...

yeah for you for the new toy! I am so jealous. Happy picture taking!


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