Saturday, June 3, 2006

The smell of honeysuckle...

I took the kids for a walk down the Monon Trail yesterday and it was gorgeous. There was honeysuckle growing right along the trail side (forgot to take a picture! d'oh!) and it really took me back. I remember when I was a kid, my mom taught me how to bite the stem off and suck out the nectar. We always had honeysuckle growing around the back steps of our house. Every few years my parents would hack it all down, but it always grew back.

Isn't it funny how a smell can take you back? I wanted to pick some of the honeysuckle blossoms and suck out the nectar, right there on the trail, but I think that would have been a bad example for the kids.

2 witty remarks on "The smell of honeysuckle..."

Anonymous said...

It's a little too late in the game to be worried about setting a bad example for the kids.

Anonymous said...

I think you should go ahead and show them how to get the nectar from honeysuckle. You still need to explain that they don't eat anything outside without checking with you first, but soon they will be old enough to know that they can eat violets and honeysuckle and NOT eat nightshade.


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