Like siren song to housewife
Good thing it's payday.
Household goods and toys,
Snacks and designer clothing,
Reasonably priced.
Girl doesn't even
know letters of alphabet
But she knows bullseye.
Despite shopping list
I always end up spending
way too much money.
7 witty remarks on "Right on target"
I really like your
way of describing
your trip to Target.
Oops I forgot that
haikus have seven not five
syllables Line Two.
You guys are crazy.
I can't believe that you are
Posting in haiku.
Y'all are so silly.
I think I may take a nap
or visit with Trish.
In second haiku
Need to add one syllable
To give you seven.
Father says "It's just
Chemical engineering."
He thinks he's so smart.
;-) happy father's day!
Haiku is all you seem to see these days;
Blank verse is so much classier, I think.
oR post
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