Tuesday, August 22, 2006

More reception pictures.

I ordered prints all collaged-together like this so that I could get a lot of tiny pictures onto my scrapbook pages. (It's another trick for saving money and time while scrapping, because less money spent on photos = more money for Chatterbox.) I Know Kevin was wanting to see some reception pics, so here ya go, and sorry you missed out on all the fun.

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4 witty remarks on "More reception pictures."

Anonymous said...

hey check your hotmail. I sent you a question.

Joni on 10:08 AM said...

That's wierd, I'm totally not seeing it, Mom.

Anonymous said...

yeah, could Betsy look any scarier?

Thanks for putting up pics, still no substitute for being there . . . although if I had been there I still wouldn't have enjoyed it.

Joni on 3:24 PM said...

Yeah, don't you love her insane eyes? I used the red eye remover and they came out white instead, I'm not sure which is freakier.

She spent the whole night running around in circles like that.


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