Monday, June 8, 2009

Home again

We went to Rochester (for the first time in almost 3 years) over the weekend to see my brother get married. Which he did, and Rob looked quite handsome in his dress blues, although I'm not sure how he's legally allowed to get married considering that I'm pretty sure he's technically still four years old. Laura was a lovely and gracious bride and the weather was perfect. The most important thing, however, is that Betsy basically set the standard for flower girls everywhere with her serious and diligent fulfillment of the role. I could have died of the cuteness when she came up the aisle... she very carefully and reventially laid down exactly nineteen flower petals on the aisle runner. And she was basically insanely cute in her white dress (we were inspired by the line "Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes" although the sash ended up being crepe) and long curly hair (she sat still like a little pro while Emily curled it) and MAKEUP. Just a touch, but enough to make her feel special.

Now is the time when I normally would post pictures to quantify my claims of extreme cuteness. Funny story, that. I got home last night, went to get my camera out of my purse, and it WASN'T THERE. I'm hoping I left it behind at my parents' house and not at one of the places we stopped on the way home, because then I can get it back. I can replace the camera, of course, but not the 100+ pictures I took over the weekend. (Particularly hard to re-create is the shot of my grandpa Bob, my brother Rob, and my son Porter Robert. Because of course Rob is going to be in Germany for the next THREE YEARS.) I'm just sick about this and am praying for its safe return.

After the wedding was over we took our kids, along with Kevin and Celeste, out to see some of the Church sites. We went to the Joseph Smith farm, the Sacred Grove, and the Hill Cumorah. Also had some really delicious fries in a greasy-spoon in Palmyra. Emily gave Betsy an ADORABLE hair cut so that I don't have to deal with her long, unmanageable hair anymore. Oh, and I came away with a huge stack of vintage patterns that I can't wait to sew, courtesy of a lady at my mom's church. So, it was a quick trip but a pretty enjoyable one.

Fortunately, I had dumped the memory card the weekend before we left. Which means that I can at least share this with you:

(Did you spot Betsy? She's right there on the end of the front row... the bangs are a dead giveaway!)

2 witty remarks on "Home again"

fatty mcslowslow said...

Your camera is in Rochester. Hopefully Mrs FMac will remember to mail it soon.

Susan R. Opel on 7:18 PM said...

Betsy was WAY better at that foot tapping thing than any of the rest of the girlies.

Glad to hear that the camera is safe and sound.


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