Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's official

Now that she's opened presents and gotten frosting on her cheeks, Amy is truly one year old.

If you are wondering what the inspiration was for the big smile on her face in the above photo, it's DADDY. Every home should have one!

And yes, I did color-coordinate the wrapping paper to her outfit (both of which are selected to match my scrapbooking supplies). So what?

This is probably the only photo from the present-unwrapping session that doesn't have ONE or BOTH of her siblings "helping" with the gift. I actually had to banish them to the other side of the room, which lasted for about a second. But, it's a proud older-sibling tradition to be unusually interested in baby toys on birthdays and Christmas. And to Amy's credit, she didn't seem to mind. She's so used to the noise and enthusiasm of her brother and sister, I think she actually thrives on it.
Look at me being all artsy with the camera. Actually, I took the picture straight-on and then used the 'straighten' tool in Picasa to tilt it. I also used the 'focal b&w' button to make the cupcake even more delicious-looking. Now, for a lot of scrapbookers, fancying up their photos is as natural as breathing, but I kinda stink at the photography side of scrapping, so this was a big deal for me. Baby steps, Joni. Baby steps.

This one was kind of gratifying. None of my other ones really went for the cake on their first birthday. This time around I made cupcakes instead of a cake and now I wish I'd done that all along. A cupcake is the exact perfect size for a one-year-old to pick it up in both hands and get a faceful of pink frosting. She still wasn't too messy - no frosting in the hair or anything - but I think that's because she was more concerned with eating than with playing. When it comes to desserts, she doesn't mess around. That's my kind of girl, people.

4 witty remarks on "It's official"

Anonymous said...

First of all, I must say that the dress Amy is wearing is gorgeous! And I love that the wrapping paper matches! Hope she had a wonderful 1st birthday and hope you all had a wonderful easter! So, I must now say I am very impressed with the camera skills! Loving that picture!

Susan R. Opel on 10:59 AM said...

Fabulous photographs of the cute little birthday girl! Picasa rocks! And so do you...

fatty mcslowslow said...

Whoa. Too cute for words.

Look forward to seeing them all in about 3 weeks.

Katie on 8:08 PM said...

Joni, I love you ... you are sew funny :)


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