Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Just a few...

Christmas morning pictures to share. Enjoy!

Actually, I find it really hard to get good pictures on Christmas morning. I think it's a combination of the early-morning light (not too early - my kids love me), the Christmas tree, and a lot of action. I always face the dilemma of flash vs. no flash. Use the flash, and I get red eyes, weird shadows, and photos that look like they were taken underwater or possibly at midnight. No flash, and I get dark grainy photos but at least we don't all look washed out. I tend to err on the side of no flash. I had to edit the heck out of these pictures before I couldven consider sharing: I jacked up the fill light & highlights, changed to black & white, cropped, and added a 'glow' (and you thought my children were like that naturally).

I suspect that the answer to my dilemma is to get a better camera. My $150 point-and-shoot probably isn't doing much to help the situation. And I am using Picasa (which is free) to edit the pictures afterwards, instead of Photoshop (which is a couple hundred dollars). But... I'm sure it's shocking to admit this as a scrapbooker, but I don't really have a huge desire to improve my photography all that much. I tend to view it as only one piece of the puzzle and as long as I have good design and relevant journaling, I can get by on so-so photography. Plus, I would have changed these pictures into B&W no matter how good they are... the kids' pajamas totally don't match my scrapbook papers.

2 witty remarks on "Just a few..."

Robin M on 10:25 AM said...

Your pics look great to me! I just wanted to say: If you don't want to spend the money on Photoshop, GIMP is free and does basically all the same things. http://www.gimp.org/

Joni on 4:02 PM said...

will check it out. Thanks!


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