Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why I Don't Blog Any More

Yeah, if you have been following this blog for a while, you've probably noticed that it is dead. It has passed on. It has ceased to be. If it wasn't nailed to its perch, it would be pushing up the daisies.

Anyway, here's why.

Numero Uno. It's 2011, and I am on the Facebook. That's actually a much easier way to share photos, hilarious kid stories, and the many profound thoughts I have on an almost hourly basis. It takes me like 10 seconds to update my FB status, even with our ultra slow internet. It used to take me 45 minutes to an hour to write a blog post, especially when Blogger didn't want me sharing pictures.

And in truth, if you look at my blogroll over on the side there, you'll notice that I'm not the only one who's stopped blogging. So I'm not going to feel guilty about it. If you haven't already, friend me on Facebook - I promise I'll make you laugh.

Numero Dos. My friend and I kind of started a business, and it takes up almost all of my time. (In a good way.)  A lot of my other hobbies like scrapbooking, writing, *cough*cleaningmyhouse*cough* have taken a backseat. And I am truly okay with that - as weird as it sounds, I think that creating and selling upscale American Girl doll clothes is what I need to be doing at this time in my life.

I actually started learning how to sew the same summer I commenced this blog. Funny how the one has now eclipsed the other - back in 2006, I'd never have guessed.

2 witty remarks on "Why I Don't Blog Any More"

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: on 1:40 AM said...

I wondered where you went. I am happy for you in your new business venture! I guess I'll mourn your blog "death" and friend you on good ol' FB.

Cathy Willman on 9:29 AM said...

I still love your blogs. Hope this doesn't mean you're surrenduring entirely, but instead just explanation of the slowing down rate.


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