Saturday, December 26, 2009

Santa Was Here

Okay, I'm not even going to bother trying to get all of these pictures into the right order. I think you're all sick of hearing me rant about Blogger, right? At least it only took me 3 tries to get them all up.

There was snow on Tuesday, although it's all gone by now. That was also the day I took the kids down to the Children's Museum for their awesome Jolly Days exhibit, including the Yule Slide... I had never actually done the slide before; I was surprised at how fast it actually is! (Parenthetically, we also visited the newly opened Barbie exhibit. Porter didn't hate it as much as I thought he would. IT WAS AWESOME.) I spent a good chunk of the week wrapping presents and baking with my three little helpers. Actually, Amy's idea of helping is: put on an apron, drag a chair over to the kitchen island, and stand there demanding cheese. But what she lacks in utility, she more than makes up for in cuteness.
We went to Mike and Mandy's on Christmas Eve for a family tradition of theirs aptly titled All The Snacks In The World; the cousins exchanged gifts and we got to enjoy some adult conversation and came away quite sated. The kids went to bed easily on Christmas Eve and let us sleep to a quite reasonable seven o'clock on Christmas.

And then: the presents. It turns out my kids were good this year.

3 witty remarks on "Santa Was Here"

SlyGly on 6:34 PM said...

Amy's Santa coat is ADORABLE.

Katie on 10:29 AM said...

I am coming to your house and stealing that silo and barn - that is the cutest thing I have EVER seen!
Have a Happy New Year!
katie m :)

Laura M on 9:33 AM said...

Glad you all had a great Christmas! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I LOVE Porter's shirt!


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