Now that I'm finally coming down off the sugar buzz from all the candy I've eaten, I can finally blog about Easter. Despite the fact that it was about seventeen below zero outside, it was actually a lovely day. I sang with the choir in church; I wore my new dress - of course - and Betsy got to wear her princess dress (ANY dress with a long skirt os a princess dress) from Emily's wedding last August. Mike and Mandy came over for dinner. We are gradually introducing them to the concept that Holidays Are More Fun With Chuildren Around. For example, where an adult would merely
eat jelly beans, an almost-two-year-old would shake the jelly-bean-containing plastic eggs like maracas, keeping time to his frantic dance of joy. Check out that picture! He was even happier when he realized there was
candy inside.
It's by complete coincidence that Betsy had her first dental checkup this morning. She did pretty well - she's surprisingly good at opening her mouth - and she even got to have her picture taken to go on the No Cavity Wall. Betsy's been practicing brushing her teeth ever since we got home and the corners of her mouth are slightly crusted with dried pink toothpaste. I'm sure she's just saving it for later.
3 witty remarks on "Easter"
Hope the day was more exciting than what Porter's face shows!
Yeah, I remember Betsy was that way the first Easter I visited. She loved the easter egg hunt, and insisted we keep re-hiding them so she could find them again - and then she found out there was candy inside . . .
Porter looks sooo happy! And Betsy, of course, looks like a pretty princess!!
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