Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's important to accessorize.

According to the calendar, it's another 5 days until Halloween.

Try telling that to my daughter.

We went to Target today and bought seven bags of candy which I am trying very hard to ignore. Also, I got the treat bags made for the kids. It took me about an hour (and yes Mom, we all know you would have had them done in five minutes) plus Betsy got some accessories made from the scraps. Check out her belt and her little hair tie. Anyway, she knew there was supposed to be a purse to complete the ensemble, so she came in the kitchen and was watching me sew. By the time I got to the last seam, she was so excited she was literally jumping up and down.

I'm glad that it's so easy to make this child happy.

Now we just have to hope it stops raining before Trunk or Treat tomorrow night.

4 witty remarks on "It's important to accessorize."

Anonymous said...

Well, I may be able to sew fast but I was making some totes for the girls' Little Flower group, and running late as usual, when I realized I had only made enough handles for HALF the bags. That's right, one handle per bag. Because I can't do the math. :P

Joni on 7:41 PM said...

Math, I can do.

At least that's what I keep telling Brainfuse ;-)

Anonymous said...

She is too doggone cute for words!

Anonymous said...

What a happy, purse totin' little girl! A girl after my own heart!


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